
A Father Who Keeps His Promises: God’s Covenant Love in Scripture is unavailable, but you can change that!

The eloquent teachings of Scott Hahn have moved thousands of Catholic Christians to a more vibrant expression of their faith. In A Father Who Keeps His Promises, the popular Catholic apologist explores the “covenant love” God reveals to us through Scripture. Hahn skillfully explains how throughout the narrative of the Bible, God has patiently reached out to us—despite our faults and...

New Testament shows that we were remade to live in God by sharing the love of the Blessed Trinity for eternity in heaven. Both elements are essential for understanding what it means to be truly human, but only the second one is our true and ultimate end, what theologians call the Beatific Vision. We would completely fall short were we to attain anything less. This means that from the outset, our stay on earth was only meant to be temporary. This explains why the New Testament views the Old Covenant
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